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FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..6400
                     /organism="Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. MG1655"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     gene            66..1148
                     /synonym="ECK0342, JW0336"
     CDS             66..1148
                     /function="regulator; Degradation of small molecules:
                     Carbon compounds"
                     /experiment="N-terminus verified by Edman degradation:
                     PMID 1107032,4554534,4557395,4571224"
                     /GO_function="transcriptional repressor activity"
                     /GO_process="carbohydrate catabolic process;
                     /note="transcriptional repressor of the lac operon"
                     /product="DNA-binding transcriptional repressor"
     gene            1271..4345
                     /synonym="ECK0341, JW0335"
     CDS             1271..4345
                     /function="enzyme; Degradation of small molecules: Carbon
                     /GO_process="carbohydrate catabolic process"
     gene            4397..5650
                     /synonym="ECK0340, JW0334"
     CDS             4397..5650
                     /function="transport; Transport of small molecules:
                     Carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols"
                     /function="1.1.1 metabolism; carbon utilization; carbon
                     /function="4.2.A.1 transport; Electrochemical potential
                     driven transporters; Porters (Uni-, Sym- and Antiporters);
                     The Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS)"
                     /function="6.1 cell structure; membrane"
                     /function="7.3 location of gene products; inner membrane"
                     /function="4.S.99 transport; substrate; lactose"
                     /GO_component="organelle inner membrane;
                     peptidoglycan-based cell wall"
                     /GO_process="carbohydrate catabolic process"
                     /note="galactoside permease (lactose permease, M protein)
                     (MFS family)"
                     /product="lactose/galactose transporter"
     gene            5716..6327
                     /synonym="ECK0339, JW0333"
     CDS             5716..6327
                     /function="enzyme; Degradation of small molecules: Carbon
                     /experiment="N-terminus verified by Edman degradation:
                     PMID 3922433"
                     /GO_process="carbohydrate catabolic process"
                     /product="thiogalactoside acetyltransferase"